RAC : Top 10 Safety features modern cars should have as standard
RAC : Top 10 Safety features modern cars should have as standard
One of our customers, RAC, one of the UK's most progressive motoring organisations, providing services for both private and business motorists have released an article that showcases a selection of innovative safety technologies that should be a standard vehicle safety feature.
"The likes of seat belts, airbags and crumple zones have made our cars safer than ever, meaning we’re less likely to die or be seriously injured as a result of an accident. More recently, anti-lock brakes (ABS) and electronic stability control (ESC) have both been made mandatory additions on cars sold in the UK. What's the latest in road safety technology? And should all road safety tech be deemed as mandatory on new cars? We take a look at 10 safety features we believe modern cars should have as standard. Truth is, in 10 years time, they probably will…"
Read their full article here: https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/advice/road-safety/top-10-safety-features/
Featured in the article is reversing camera systems, this allows an extra form of sight when manoeuvring your vehicle. ECCO has a selection of wired and wireless camera systems with crystal clear displays and wide fields of view.
For more info on our Camera systems Click Here
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